Friday, March 21, 2014

Sports Stadiums + Soft Play Areas= Happy Kids AND Parents!

Picture this. It's the big game day for your favorite team. You have awesome seats and you're really looking forward to a great day out with the family. But then you get to the stadium and it turns out the kids aren't quite as excited for the game. They are restless and don't seem to be enjoying themselves at all. Then you spot it. A soft play area right in the stadium! The kids see it too and run over in excitement. Problem solved!
More sports stadiums are adding soft play areas than ever before. A soft play park by DW Designs Inc helps to get sports stadiums rave reviews from kids and parents alike. Parents love the comfortable seating and cell-phone charging stations that our play areas offer. They also love that we provide a safe play environment for children of all ages. Kids love interacting with other young sports fans and expending some energy before the game starts.
Stadiums love our soft play parks because they can be custom-designed for their stadium. DW Designs Inc works with clients to make their vision come to life. We work with the client to create a play area that fits their stadium's unique vibe. Sports stadiums often report a higher customer satisfaction rating when they add a play park. Parents are more likely to return for another game if their children had a great time in the stadium's play area. And as these toddlers grow up, they will look back fondly on their fun childhood experiences at the stadium and likely become lifelong fans. Adding a soft play area by DW Designs Inc is a win for all!

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